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FormID-Fix by Dateranoth

Kategorie: Patches/Fixes
Datum: 08.04.2007
Uploader: Katan
Autor: Dateranoth
Eine schönere Lösung als der bisherige kahlschlagmäßige Fix / a better solution than disabling the faulty AI Shedules altogether:

This is a simple Esp that slows the rate of Form Id creation to normal rates.

Quote from Forums

"Ok, here is a more permenent fix:

This causes those scripts to only run when you are in Greenmote Silo or in the Duke's Quarters. Also, even though you are in those cells, the FormID doesn't increase as fast as before. It only increases when one of the guards ends one AI package and starts another. Which is MUCH slower than before. So, slow you should never have a problem with it. I don't know why it was going so fast before.. Must have seen it as an endless loopof AI package done.

Thanks to UQForgotton for tracking it down to those NPCs, and everyone else involved! Also, please don't hesitate to test it and see if it works for you and report back here.


The Problem lied within 6 scripts that were used to make guards patrol in Greenmote Silo and the Dukes Quarters.

Thanks A TON Dateranoth!
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