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The Dungeons of Ivellon 1.8 (EV)

Kategorie: Händler, Quests & Begleiter
Datum: 30.10.2007
Uploader: Crow
Autor: Original: Lazarus / Translation: DWS

Screenshot 1 | Screenshot 2 | Screenshot 3 | Screenshot 4 | Screenshot 5 | Screenshot 6

"The Dungeons of Ivellon" is a quest- or adventure mod respectively for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
The player can expect a vast dungeon full of mysteries to be unraveled, secrets to be disclosed and dangers to be defied.

To start the adventure, search for the ancient book that countess Narina Carvain of Bruma preserves in her rooms.

Caution, the hidden dangers in the lower vaults are great and tremendous - by no means venture into the dungeons before you are at least level 20-25.

The dungeons are pitch black - torches or light spells are mandatory. However, there will be extinguished torches at the walls and drop-lights at the ceilings, that can be set on fire by means of activation or a well-aimed fire spell in order to illuminate the dark.

The dungeons are full of hidden mysteries and secrets that are not always part of the main quest. Explore them in detail and keep your eyes open, only that way you will acquire the greatest treasures.

This mod should be compatible with all other currently (8/16/2007) available modifications and Plug-Ins, including mods like e.g. "Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul", "Oblivion WarCry" or the complete series of "Unique Landscapes".

Known Issues
  • If this mod is converted to OMOD form, this often results in more frequent game crashes.
  • Black screen bug at the boss of the 2nd level. Owner of nVidia cards, disable HDR at this point, please - if it is enabled. In spite of many persistent attempts I did not succeed in fixing this error.
    Hence there is no need to pelt me with questions concerning this matter, because I couldn't say more than already mentioned above.

Installation & Requirements
The most recent version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is required to install this mod.
The expansions Knights Of The Nine, Shivering Isles or official Plug-Ins do not have to be installed.

Aside from that, certain demands are made on the player.
Anyone who does not like to unravel mysteries, to read lengthy texts or is not interisted in the TES universe, should refrain from this mod.
"The Dungeons of Ivellon" particularly is directed at the more experienced players of Oblivion or the TES series, respectively.
Moreover, this modification is not for the faint of heart - if you feel uneasy at the sight of an ordinary Oblivion zombie already, you should be wary of this.

To install this mod, just run the installer and assign the installation path to your Oblivion game folder (C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion by default).

update 2024: I got rid of the .exe installer - just copy/replace the Data folder into the Oblivion folder.

After that, open the Oblivion Launcher, click "Data Files" and check the file "Ivellon.esp".

To uninstall, disable Ivellon by unchecking the .esp file in your Data Files selector of the Oblivion Launcher or run the uninstaller in the Oblivion folder respectively.

Trailer (Download)
Trailer at YouTube

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